There are twenty baby teeth in your little one’s mouth. All twenty of them stay in the mouth only for a few years and will eventually get replaced by adult teeth. However, for the short time in the mouth, they serve important purposes that goes beyond looks. Baby teeth holds the spaces in your child […]
DEFINITION Vaccine is an immunobiological substance designed to produce specific protection against a given disease. WHY VACCINATION AGAINST DENTAL CARIES? IMMUNITY TYPES OF CARIES VACCINES Vaccines may be prepared from: adjuvant were administered adjacent to salivary glands along with installation of S.mutans into parotid gland. antibodies. PARENTERAL IMMUNIZATION: their litter] enter blood. of S.mutans to […]

3 simple steps to prevent dental caries Step 1- BRUSH TWICE A DAY. Brushing at a 12 hour interval will remove the existing plaque formed during the last 12 hours. (It takes at least 12 hours for plaque maturation). It will interrupt the plaque formation and no chance of bacterial colonization. Streprococcus are the group […]

Its so much pleasing to see someone smile. And its pity to see someone hold back their smile. We all might have noticed atleast one person like that in our life right?! Who hesitate to smile because they feel awkward about themselves and their appearance, more specifically may be about their teeth, and such people, […]

By Megha N Namboodiri. PS: This is not at all an ode in the literal sense,I just couldn’t come up with a more cool title. Today was supposed to be the day I get my teeth braces removed.While waiting at the clinic for my turn,I thought about the day I got my braces on.The very […]

PROCESS OF CLEANING THE DRY WASTE DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE The principle methods of are: Dumping Controlled tipping or sanitary landfill Incineration Composting Manure pits Burial DUMPING In this method, refuse is dumed in low lying areas. Easy method of disposal of dry refuse and suitable for reclamation of land. As a result of bacterial […]

THE BEST WAY TO PREVENT DENTAL CARIES Pit and fissure sealents A pit is defined as a pinpoint depression located at the junction of grooves present over the grinding surfaces of the teeth. A fissure is defined as a deep cleft between adjoining cusps of a molar or premolar, usually located at the junction of […]

To stay safe in the fight against COVID-19, wearing a mask has become an important part of our routine Health professionals agree that wearing a mask is one of the healthiest and most responsible things we can do during the COVID-19 pandemic. After all accoutering a magnificent piece of armor in your face that fortifies […]

Change in color indicate caries activity Caries Activity refers to the increment of active lesions (new and recurrent lesions) over a stated period of time. It is the measure of the speed of progression of a carious lesion.Caries Activity Tests measure the degrees to which the local environment challenge favors the probability of carious lesions. […]

The global impact of Corona virus is immense as the educational institutes all over the world are closed. Covid-19 has thrown education down all over the world in a loop. Schools are shut, and students are stranded at home, with extremely limited contact with friends and virtually no physical activity and lacking social component. ICSE, […]