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Brushing at a 12 hour interval will remove the existing plaque formed during the last 12 hours. (It takes at least 12 hours for plaque maturation). It will interrupt the plaque formation and no chance of bacterial colonization. Streprococcus are the group of bacteria which predominantly colonize the mouth, mainly on the tooth surface and its grooves. The acid production will be halted, Hence NO CARIES!.

Food debris/sweets are essential for the production of acids by bacteria. Water gargling will remove the remnants of food that act as a substrate for acid production. Gargling helps to balance the mouth pH in a normal range where acid production chances are minimal. Hence NO CARIES!

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Fluoride is scientifically proven element to have anti-caries properties. Usage of fluoride toothpaste will ensure the presence of fluoride in the saliva and gum fluid which can act as a barrier to bacterial mechanisms of acid production, Hence NO CARIES!
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